Do Sage Dealers get it right?


Staff at K Consultants have worked for Sage Business Partner for over 28 Years! …..Some people get less for Murder I hear you cry….

During that time we have visited and supported hundreds of clients assisting them with the smallest and most insignificant of queries all the way through to fully blown huge implementations lasting weeks and often utilising Consultants, Programmers and Engineers alike. Everyone working with the sole aim of delivering a perfectly working solution to the end user.

On the whole, we have been lucky and the Business Partners that we have worked with are highly professional and get things right but not always.

The top stumbling blocks we have come across are listed below, they are in no specific order and all relate to projects we have worked on:


  • Trainer or Consultant not proficient in the subject – Everyone has to start somewhere, However, in some cases they just don’t have the experience or knowledge that the customer needs to instill confidence in the program.
  • Consultant and Client do not get on – we have all been there, just a clash of personalities, it isn’t a regular occurrence but does happen. If this does, then just ask for another consultant. It is for your benefit that a smooth implementation is important. We have had this happen a couple of times. And yes – it is just personality. Giving the same advice and training, yet the client reaction was completely negative, change consultant and things run smoothly, it happens….
  • Lead time to implementation too long – how long? Many months… there is planning and preparation but please keep things fresh and at the forefront of the mind, this focuses the project and denies the ‘manana syndrome’ anywhere greater than two months and the impetus is lost. Ok there are exceptions for long term planning but generally this is the case.


Sales Team:

  • Undersold consultancy required to complete the job – Sales team will not quote enough time for the project as this would be detrimental to getting the sale!
  • Wrong product for the job sold – Only once have I visited a site and it just doesn’t do what the client needs in any shape or form! We really couldn’t help them, a real shame as they had a great and really interesting business!
  • Bespoke Programming written that does not do what is required – the conversation versus what is delivered is just wrong, this is rare, however amendments and tweaks to the solution are regular once testing is under way, working with the client users. These are usually easily resolved and are a great work around to standard systems.
  • Bespoke programming written when not required! – Yes, we have seen this…. Appalled at the way sales people re-invent the wheel to achieve additional revenue rather than coming up with working and workable solutions within the standard system.
  • Upgrade existing product – Migration from Sage 50 to Sage 200 – there are migration paths for upgrading. But – if you’re investing in a new system, by all means have that as a ‘test’ company but,  then really think how you can improve things to make ‘Best Use’ of your Investment. A great Salesperson or Consultant will be able to get so much more out of your system and Import details giving a far better and future proofed solution. This is by far the best way to proceed and this is where the expertise of K Consultants can help.



  • Customer does not have proficient staff to deal with the role – project falters and is delayed whilst waiting for Key information to be imported or uploaded onto the new systems. Or even having to explain basic accounting principles to the so called ‘Finance Staff’.
  • Consultant having to take on more work on behalf of the client – where staff have not had time to plan and review what is required.
  • Time is valuable outsource some preparation work – just too busy to think about what is required, get external resources to prepare what you need!
  • Customer not prepared to embrace change – We so often hear ‘This is how we’ve always done it’ Ok, it’s a start but if you want to or need to change, then please be prepared to review how you work and make changes to fit the boundaries of the program, deviation from this invariably involves heavy modification and programming and subsequent cost. (This limits upgrades in the future and will not generally satisfy the client).
  • Customer expectations are not matched with the delivery of the project – poor sales process where the sales team have not correctly identified what the client needs and requires from a new system.
  • Customer has time constraints – need it now! – it needs to be in and working in a very short time, requiring Fast Track Implementation – can be done but quite stressful for all involved.
  • Customer has time constraints – this is a partnership, Consultant is happy to have a long drawn out lead time as long as the information preparation is being done correctly and that the client has had time to ensure they are accurate with their data.
  • Customer delays due to insufficient preparation – project delays are inevitable, usually a day or two are realistic but when the client stretches this to months, then you know the project will be challenging.


All of these scenarios have happened with various jobs we and our associates have worked upon, there is no definite right or wrong in these cases, just shades of Grey!

The main thing to remember is that in most cases more than 70% of implementations run without a hitch, perhaps a further 15% have very minor problems that are usually easily resolved and these are where the Client and Consultant have worked closely to ensure a satisfactory outcome.

The remainder – yes they were fixed and do have working systems, it just takes time and all parties compromising a little to get the result – a finished & working system – oh except that one client where we just couldn’t help them at all, but at least we tried our best and we parted company amicably…. I wonder what they’re using now?


Our top 10 tips to ensure a smooth Implementation:

  1. Carry out as much business analysis as we are able, really ascertain what you need and want from your system.
  2. Review your existing systems, see what is good and bad. What are your likes and dislikes.
  3. Work with you to plan and schedule improvements to your existing systems – If it can be changed to give you what you need.
  4. Test solutions with you to ensure they deliver the expected results.
  5. Consult with staff and management to ensure that everyone knows what is going on and act upon subsequent feedback and amendments.
  6. Suggest immediate ‘fixes’ to help – You don’t know what you don’t know!
  7. Ensure the information is meaningful and accurate and that the data is what you need.
  8. Give you work arounds for when Sage doesn’t quite deliver!
  9. Follow up at various intervals to confirm that your systems are still performing correctly.
  10. Offer up other solutions that could benefit your organisation.


K Consultants are based just south of Bedford, Bedfordshire, yet we have covered projects from Edinburgh and Glasgow down to Poole & Southampton. Bristol through to Norwich and even a couple of sites in Paris! Always aiming to deliver exactly what the client needs and requires to help their business run efficiently.

We’re the experts that give you Time to run your Business, just call K Consultants, email us or fill in the details on our contact form and we will get in touch – see how we can make your work life more productive!


To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.

– Thank you Douglas Adams

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