K Consultants

Sage Business Software Architects

The smooth road to business success

 The Sage Business System Experts


Success through system optimisation

 How close is your business to achieving its maximum potential?


What we don’t know

We don’t know your business … and you don’t know ours.
But there’s one thing we both know.
Your business isn’t operating at 100%.
There’s every chance that it’s functioning at well below that figure.
That’s nothing to be ashamed of.
There isn’t a single company on this planet that’s operating at the max.
The big question is …

How close can you get to 100% efficiency?
What we do know
The chances are that what’s holding you back from achieving your enormous potential is
inadequate business processes.
Either you’re using the wrong systems for your type or scale of business.
Or – you have the right systems but are using them in the wrong way.


We’re K Consultants, and we bring our passion for, and knowledge of, business systems to transform your business processes. The result?

A revolutionary transformation in how your business operates –
Increased efficiency → Greater profits → Long-lasting peace of mind

Sage Business Partners

Need an extra pair of hands, a freelance consultant, implementation or training

Sage Consultancy & Training

In excess of 28 years’ experience of Sage products.

Sage Products

Resellers of Sage 50 & Sage 200 software solutions

Soft Skills Training

Customer Service Training and Development.

We ensure the quality, design, delivery, implementation, analysis and feedback of activities are aligned to the business overall objectives.

Contact us for your bespoke training solution

How we work

We begin by listening – finding out about your goals, your successes and your challenges.

Next – we analyse. We work with you to find out where the stumbling blocks are – where are those bottlenecks that are slowing down your business processes? We shine a light on the key areas for improvement. We identify the changes you need to ‘get the job done’ – faster and more efficiently.

We look at your processes for

  • Sales
  • Purchasing
  • Production
  • Stock control
  • Accounts
  • Payroll
  • Administration

We make sure that your systems software works for you – not the other way round. After working with us, you’ll enjoy the benefits of a system that, not only transforms your business efficiency, but also gives you the comprehensive and accurate management information you need to make the right decisions for your businesses.

Find out more about How We Work

Why clients choose K Consultants
Clients come to us for business systems support for two main reasons –

  1. Our Experience – we’re Kay and Jon Waller. Between us, we enjoy over 40 years of experience working in Business Systems. We’re sometimes shocked ourselves at the breadth of our experience

credit control – payroll – accounts – Sage consultancy

working in countless different sectors –

aero industry – steel production – catering – pharmaceuticals – manufacturing – education
and so many more.

  1. Our Passion
    We’re passionate about systems and about processes. We’re also passionate about businesses – about seeing them transform into truly successful enterprises, about helping them to improve the lifestyles of those who own them, run them and work for them.

 We love our work … and it shows. It shows in the way we work with our clients. We’re approachable, friendly and flexible. We’re transparent and responsive in all our communications. We’re 100% committed to using our systems know-how to maximise the enormous potential of your business.


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